Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Running of the Yaks

One of the the great benefits of not taking public transit and having your own driver when traveling (first time I have ever had this luxury) is the ability to yell "STOP!! Cool yak things going on up ahead!!!" Without a doubt, this yak experience was the best of the bunch.
After the barley has been harvested a village will gather up all the yaks on a large concrete pad and drive them around in circles over the harvest to separate the grain from the husk. I guess you could say, may hoofs make for light work.
For me, this was one of the biggest highlights of the trip and being able to get right into the action and film this experience was a total blast.

The Running of the Yaks 9.1 megs Quicktime format

Also started compressing my videos for use on the new ViPod The Running of the Yaks 7.8 megs m4v format

Here is a photo of me running with the yaks with my camera

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Barley Harvest

When you watch the barley harvest in Tibet you get the feeling that the methods have not changed much in the last 500 years (other than the clothes). Horses, carts and backbreaking work.

In watching this again, I think I missed an opportuniity to work much harder on the audio portion. of the edit. I got lazy and looking at it now, it shows.

Barley Harvest 11 megs 2:15 min quicktime

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Oldest Building in Tibet

Yumbulagang is considered to be the oldest building in Tibet built in the 7th century, although oldest is a relative term considering that it was sacked by the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution.
That being said is has been lovingly reconstructed and when we visited we had it to ourselves which made for a very special vist. Great view too.

Oldest building in Tibet 6.6 megs 1:15 min quicktime

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Finding the Washroom

Even finding the washroom can be an adventure in Tibet

Finding the Washroom 3.4 megs 0:40 min quicktime